Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Blogging Gadget Challenge 2009

Sunday, 22 February 2009
Year 12 Media - Coursework Blog Commentary

I have been closely scrutinising Media blogs looking at the standard of research and planning. I have broken the blogs down into four distinct areas:
Those with obvious:
Those with obvious:
Blogorexia - A very 'skinny' blog with little meat on the bones! Some effort is evidenced but posts are too brief and lack depth, application of meadia language and or critical engagement in a consistent manner.
Blogstipation - Writer’s block. A solid blog with some sound/good elements but not yet fully realised because of Blogstipation.
Blogathy - Weak blogs displaying a lack of engagement with the coursework and a 'I can't really be bothered' 'I don't care' attitude.
Blogopotamus Syndrome- A lot of long posts that need punctuating with evidence of practical production work (continuity sequence, animatic, rough cuts, sound, final cut) and examples (Youtube videos/images etc.) Posts may lack attention to detail and may be waffly in nature.
Blogorrhea - A high output of articles and engaging with the coursework blogging on a regular basis and frequently updating reader of progression. Posts are not always but often likely to be short bursts and lack real attention to detail through close analytical study.
Then there's the:
Blogbusters - High end blogging - the Hollywood of the blogging world. Personalised with a strong sense passion and engagement. Consideration of design and navigation for the reader; blog clearly communicates genre and production processes in an interactive and engaging way. Analytical, good use of media language and thoughtful, well constructed posts.
OK - So here is my assessment of blogs so far:
Jack Daniel
Ross W
Joe R
Emily G
Jack L
Blogopotamus syndrome
Emily Peachy
Hannah D
Becky O'Keefe
Becky H
Joe Smith
Ross Lusted
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Year 12 Film Studies Blogging - A gentle reminder!

You should have used or be using the Half Term break to get completely up-to-date with your FM2 blogging. You should have four entries by now, which are:
1) Is Hollywood film purely a commercial commodity? Discuss, with reference to the documentary shown in class and case-study on Hollywood.
2) Case study on the marketing of a recent blockbuster film, including research into the film studio which made it.
3) The American Dream (1): What is it, what you think of it and some examples of its representation in films that you have seen.
4) Representations of the American Dream in 'The Pursuit of Happyness' (Leanne's Class only)
Happy Half Term, Happy Blogging!
2) Case study on the marketing of a recent blockbuster film, including research into the film studio which made it.
3) The American Dream (1): What is it, what you think of it and some examples of its representation in films that you have seen.
4) Representations of the American Dream in 'The Pursuit of Happyness' (Leanne's Class only)
Happy Half Term, Happy Blogging!
Friday, 20 February 2009
A goodie for Joe Smith to help with FS4
Hi Joe. I found this Powerpoint for you. It's got a few super quotes in it that you could use in your FS4 Presentation Script re-draft. See you next week x
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Music Video Critical Evaluation Part 2 - For everyone having a panic!
This section of the evaluation is dedicated to a close textual analysis of your finished music video drawing upon responses from people who have seen the video.
Stage 1
Can I suggest that you read the example evaluations you have already been given and the one that can be found on the Year 13 Music Promo evaluation link under 'Noodle Blog Zones'. Here is an extract from Part 2 of an evaluation to show the style that will enable you to access the higher grades. Your writing needs to be deeply analytical and you must refer to and effectively employ Media language in your close critique.
"The editing is conventional- when the bass plays, the shots are cut to the beat. When classical music is more prominent in the piece the shots are more gradually cut and dissolved. The editing is also connected to the message, fast paced at the dramatic sequence when the protagonist is being hit. The cuts are rapid and jerked during the argument and smooth during the images of escapism and freedom from her reality. The convention of using the dissolve to connect the subject matters is one that is used by many pop videos at present. For example, the connection is made between the image of the girl stood over a sink full of dirty dishes, her face bruised and gaunt and when she stares, emotionless (bearing and extra-diegetic gaze) at the mirror. The camera moves at a speed that connects well with the music (which has increased in pace). It stops in a dark, dirty cup which dissolves in to the first of the tunnels in the sequence. The urban and the rural settings vary in speed and colour. Each of the tunnels meanders into another, again at cuts and dissolves reflective of the musical beat. Her mind is no longer an image of calm and peace but of manic seclusion." (Hurtwood House Media Student)
I hope this helps. Good Luck and enjoy the rest of your half-term break. x
Stage 1
Analyse the images and editing in the finished music video, paying close attention to characters, performance, narrative (or absence thereof), mise-en-scene (lighting, costume, proximity of characters), editing, pace, framing, SFX and cinematography and the ways in which you have constructed the video to sell the song.
Make reference to Goodwin's aspects of music video:
Andrew Goodwin writing in ‘Dancing in the Distraction Factory’ (Routledge 1992)
1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics
(e.g. stage performance in metal video, dance routine for boy/girl band).
2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals
(either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
3. There is a relationship between music and visuals
(either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style).
5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
6. There is often intertextual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).
Compare your video to the conventions of music video, referring to actual examples where possible.
Here is a slideshow analysing Gerri Halliwell's 'It's Raining Men' and the video for you to see how the two marry together:Make reference to Goodwin's aspects of music video:
Andrew Goodwin writing in ‘Dancing in the Distraction Factory’ (Routledge 1992)
1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics
(e.g. stage performance in metal video, dance routine for boy/girl band).
2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals
(either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
3. There is a relationship between music and visuals
(either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style).
5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
6. There is often intertextual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).
Compare your video to the conventions of music video, referring to actual examples where possible.
Stage 2
How did the audience read your finished video ? Make reference to comments from class Crit and from Youtube.
How did the audience read your finished video ? Make reference to comments from class Crit and from Youtube.
Can I suggest that you read the example evaluations you have already been given and the one that can be found on the Year 13 Music Promo evaluation link under 'Noodle Blog Zones'. Here is an extract from Part 2 of an evaluation to show the style that will enable you to access the higher grades. Your writing needs to be deeply analytical and you must refer to and effectively employ Media language in your close critique.
"The editing is conventional- when the bass plays, the shots are cut to the beat. When classical music is more prominent in the piece the shots are more gradually cut and dissolved. The editing is also connected to the message, fast paced at the dramatic sequence when the protagonist is being hit. The cuts are rapid and jerked during the argument and smooth during the images of escapism and freedom from her reality. The convention of using the dissolve to connect the subject matters is one that is used by many pop videos at present. For example, the connection is made between the image of the girl stood over a sink full of dirty dishes, her face bruised and gaunt and when she stares, emotionless (bearing and extra-diegetic gaze) at the mirror. The camera moves at a speed that connects well with the music (which has increased in pace). It stops in a dark, dirty cup which dissolves in to the first of the tunnels in the sequence. The urban and the rural settings vary in speed and colour. Each of the tunnels meanders into another, again at cuts and dissolves reflective of the musical beat. Her mind is no longer an image of calm and peace but of manic seclusion." (Hurtwood House Media Student)
I hope this helps. Good Luck and enjoy the rest of your half-term break. x
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Year 13 Media - Media Debates 'Contemporary British Broadcasting'
I found this super slideshow on the BBC that will help you in your exploration of public service broadcasting.
Essay Writing Technique: From Description to Analysis
As we move into exam preparation your writing skills will come under scrutiny and one of the most frequent criticisms is that writing is too descriptive and lacks analytical skill. This slide show explores how you can move beyond 'D' grade description to access the higher grades. If you struggle with academic essay writing, read this, print off the pages and stick them somewhere near your work area at home to remind you of this key skill and then practice!
Year 13 Media Studies - Advertising Theory Goodies for Sam and Lewis W
Sam and Lewis. Here are some resources to help you with your critical evaluation of your football boot adverts. I have tried to find accessible resources on advertising theory to help you in your analysis throughout the 3,000 words.
Year 13 Media: Media Debates Slasher Movie Slideshow
Despite the childlike design of this slideshow, it does actually contain some useful exploration of the Slasher genre.
At Last - I've Seen Slumdog Millionaire. Yipeee!

At Last.....I've seen it! I dropped George at nursery and my husband and I nipped over to Bluewater for a cinematic treat. Wow...what a visual feast of a film and a fabulous story. It made me laugh, cry and want to learn Bangra. I loved it. The soundtrack is brilliant too. If you haven't seen it...do. Especially make an effort if you are in Year 13 doing Film as we are going to be studying Brazillian film 'City of God' by Fernando Meirelles, and Slumdog is seemingly inspired by narrative and stylistic elements of this groundbreaking film set in the slums of Rio.
In fact I have seen quite a few films over half term with Slumdog being my favourite but closely followed by 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' and Werner Herzog's 'Rescue Dawn' starring Christian Bale. Liam Neeson in 'Taken' was pretty good too- a good Sunday afternoon action movie with plenty of kick a**s moments to enjoy. Boy in the Striped pyjamas was beautifully simple and haunting. A film I'd love to teach. I am passionate about WW2 films and this one had me crying like a baby. We also watched Guy Ritchie's latest offering and both of us thought it was a sham. So much hype and such little substance!
It's been really lovely to catch-up with some films and TV. I'm hoping to see Fincher's 'Benjamin Button' later this week and I'm engrossed in Series 1 of Madmen which is amazing. A real treat. Series 2 of Mistresses is also quite good. Anyway, I hope you are all enjoying your break too and having a fab time in Amsterdam or at home. Whatever you're up to.....have fun! x
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Check Out my Media and Film Wordle!
I found this excellent site www.wordle.net and made my own Media and Film Wordle. I challenge you to make one about a Media or Film topic as a way of revising some of the key language associated with the course. Enjoy! x
Year 12 Media - TV Drama Workbook

As we move through the TV Drama unit this half-term, your teachers will be looking at, and asking you to complete for homework some of the sheets in the BFI TV Drama workbook below. Although the focus for this exam is on the micro analysis of representation through sound, mise-en-scene, editing and camera angles, movement and position, reading and studying wider contextual issues related to TV drama can only benefit you.
Friday, 13 February 2009
Year 12 Media - TV Drama Sequences for Micro Analysis
I am going to begin to post extracts from TV Dramas here that will be used in class and posted for homework and revision purposes. In this exam, you will have to undertake a 'Micro' textual analysis of a 4-5 minute sequence from a British TV Drama. The drama extract will be screened as part of the exam and you will NOT know in advance what the extract will be.
"The fundamental focus of this unit for exam purposes is understanding the relationship between how meaning within a text is constructed though the use of sounds, clothing, lighting, performance and camera angles, and tpyes of shot used. Much of TV Drama uses the same techniques for creating moving image as film. Core differences are production values which are constrained because of costs. The use of extremly expensive sets and models along with casts of thousands or even extensive use of very expensive special effects which are seen in Action-Adventure Films is simply not possible in TV. Another major difference between films made for cinema release compared to made for TV films is the way in which the characters perform more centrally on the screen. The action tends to take place here because many millions of people still have squareish TVs rather than widescreen TVs. Increasingly TV programmes are designed for widescreen format and if you are watching on an older TV you will lose some of the credits. Having a digital box there will be a "wide mode" on the handset that will change the proportions of the image.
In order to fully understand how a preferred meaning is created by the makers of a media text you will need to understand the concept of media representation. Remember the term media means being in the middle or inbetween things. People and places you see on TV or in film are re-presentations of a real person or event if it is a a documentary or imagined in a particular way if it is fictional like a feature film or TV drama. When you see people on screen for example how you see them is constructed using technical conventions such as lighting and camera shots / angles to create a preferred meaning by the makers." Kinoeye
You will be required to show skill in closely deconstructing how MEANING ABOUT REPRESENTATION IS CREATED AND COMMUNICATED through Mise-en-scene, Camera Angles movement and position, Sound and Editing. The more practice you get at analysing short Drama sequences, the better off you will be in this exam. The extract could be from any British drama - Period Drama, Crime Drama, Soap, Medical Drama, Political Drama etc.
"The fundamental focus of this unit for exam purposes is understanding the relationship between how meaning within a text is constructed though the use of sounds, clothing, lighting, performance and camera angles, and tpyes of shot used. Much of TV Drama uses the same techniques for creating moving image as film. Core differences are production values which are constrained because of costs. The use of extremly expensive sets and models along with casts of thousands or even extensive use of very expensive special effects which are seen in Action-Adventure Films is simply not possible in TV. Another major difference between films made for cinema release compared to made for TV films is the way in which the characters perform more centrally on the screen. The action tends to take place here because many millions of people still have squareish TVs rather than widescreen TVs. Increasingly TV programmes are designed for widescreen format and if you are watching on an older TV you will lose some of the credits. Having a digital box there will be a "wide mode" on the handset that will change the proportions of the image.
In order to fully understand how a preferred meaning is created by the makers of a media text you will need to understand the concept of media representation. Remember the term media means being in the middle or inbetween things. People and places you see on TV or in film are re-presentations of a real person or event if it is a a documentary or imagined in a particular way if it is fictional like a feature film or TV drama. When you see people on screen for example how you see them is constructed using technical conventions such as lighting and camera shots / angles to create a preferred meaning by the makers." Kinoeye
You will be required to show skill in closely deconstructing how MEANING ABOUT REPRESENTATION IS CREATED AND COMMUNICATED through Mise-en-scene, Camera Angles movement and position, Sound and Editing. The more practice you get at analysing short Drama sequences, the better off you will be in this exam. The extract could be from any British drama - Period Drama, Crime Drama, Soap, Medical Drama, Political Drama etc.
Here are some extracts to deconstruct at a micro level:
1. Spooks
2. The Tudors: Opening Title Sequence followed + sequence from series
3. Mistresses: Representations of Sexuality
Here is a really useful link to the homepage of BBC Drama where you can read more widely around the policies and institutional procedures associated with the commissioning of British TV Drama:
3. Mistresses: Representations of Sexuality
Here is a really useful link to the homepage of BBC Drama where you can read more widely around the policies and institutional procedures associated with the commissioning of British TV Drama:
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Year 13 Film : Lara Croft - Feminist Icon or object of desire for the Male Gaze?

"Lara Croft - Feminist icon or object for the 'Male Gaze'? The juxtaposition of physical prowess and sexuality continues to produce a great deal of ambivalence amongst feminist and non-feminist commentators about this character." http://www.gamestudies.org/0202/kennedy/
In this week's lesson we are going to begin to watch Tomb Raider. I want you to make notes whilst watching the film. Use the following questions to guide your notes:
1. Describe and Explain in some detail how cinematic conventions like camera angles, movement and position, mise-en-scene, sound, costume, lighting and editing have contributed to the construction of a 'male gaze' by creating Croft as an object of a voyeuristic gaze.
2. Is there any evidence of fragmentation?
3. Is Croft a contradicory character? Powerful women action adventure heroes can be contradictory offering both a voyeuristic eroticised view and at the same time portray a powerful female figure. What's your interpretation? Support with examples.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Year 13 Media - Music Promo Evaluation: The Big 4 Record Labels
This presentation will assist you with Section 3 of your Critical Evaluation of your music promo. A little gem!
Year 13 Media - Media Debates: Horror and Understanding Genre
I'm on a roll....here's another presentation we'll be looking at in class after half-term.
Year 13 Media - Media Debates Exam: Horror Films
I am delighted that so many of you managed to get your Music promo evaluation Part 1 to Leanne. Thank you. I also can't wait to see your music promos Period 3/4 tomorrow. yipeeeeee! That's enough exitement for now....it's about time we stopped having fun and started some serious Media work. After half-term we are going to embark on a journey into Film as part of the Media debates exam, and explore the Horror genre. Here is the first of many installments on Horror Theory.
Year 13 Film Studies - FS6 Gendered Film Studies: Constructed by the Gaze
Now that we have finished our FS4 Small Scale Work, I want to move back into the realms of Gendered Film Studies. To get you back into the world of 'Mulvey' and debates about 'The Gaze', here is a lovely wee film all the Gaze. Enjoy.
A series of clips that clearly exemplify 'The Male Gaze' and notions of 'Fragmentation' across a body of contemporary Hollywood films.
The Bond films have always objectified women and this is well evidenced in this little movie 'The Bond Gaze"
This is a useful link exploring Mulvey's theory in more detail and applying it to a body of films.
http://www.freewebs.com/elizabethbarnes/I'm looking forward to the final presentations in Thursday's lesson - Langford and Dani will both be presenting their small-scale research. We will then be ready to commence our journey back into the world of gendered film studies. I am hoping that you have been active in putting my feedback into action and refining your FS4 Small Scale Presentation Scripts and drafting your evaluations for March 15th. Don't leave it until the last minute - work systematically and it will pay dividends. See you on Thursday. x
Monday, 9 February 2009
A/S and A2 Media Studies Glossary
I thought this might come in useful when writing your evaluations and future essays.
Year 12 Film Studies - Close Frame by Frame Study of Juno sequence
This is a fantastic example of how close scrutiny of film frames can reveal fascinating insight into a films ideological framework. This style of working should inform the redrafts of your coursework micro film analysis essays. Enjoy.
Year 13 Film Studies - FS6 Gendered Film Studies: Tough Chicks
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
TV Drama Introduction: Another PowerPoint to support your studies
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Year 12 Media Studies : TV Drama Exemplar Essay on 'Spooks'

Close Textual Analysis of Sequence from 'Spooks'
'Catch Up' December 2007 episode – 1 minute 43 seconds.
'Catch Up' December 2007 episode – 1 minute 43 seconds.
The clip starts by launching the plot with a close up of the main character. He is white, young with piercing blue eyes, dressed casually in a crew neck shirt and jacket with a quiet voice, suggesting authority, control and independence. This man takes no prisoners – you can tell by his voice, the use of close up and his sense of authority, but not by his clothing.
The use of intense close ups increases the audience involvement with the characters, and immediately suggests the intensity of their drama, and connotes tension, conflict and narrative thrust.
He is talking to a young, woman. She has short, blonde hair with intelligent, sharp eyes, representing her dynamic and maybe ruthless but feminine character. The next shot is a close up of a man in agony – low lighting, dark colours and an inconclusive background.
An exterior two-shot follows of two men in suits. The one on the right has power, suggested by his tie and authoritarian voice. He is suggesting to the younger man that anyone who falls into the hands of the captors will be tortured. The younger man clearly has to try to ‘save’ the tortured man we briefly saw.
A low angle interior shot of a large empty, pillared office suggests the man walking towards the other man has power, and is able to negotiate. It intentially reminds the viewer of a gun fight set up from a Western, but the weapons are words. The building suggests a neutral, lonely location where conversations will not be overheard. This connotes a meeting with an enemy agent of some kind.
Big close ups of the two men negotiating suggest they have equal power. The American at camera left is older and represents power derived from superior information and surveillance operations.
Cut to the next shot the young woman is holding a mobile and walking in a flurry of movement within the frame, creating a sense of urgency and representing an active, dynamic person who is getting on with the narrative.
The shot is shadowy and suggests repressed power, dynamic action, a person who is ready for anything. The shot is held and we see that she is being followed by a shady but innocuous looking character in a shirt and cotton casual jacket, who is clearly spying on her. Their activities are explored in a split screen two-shot.
He is coming towards camera, and she is going away from the camera- he is therefore denoted as being in the ascendance. Non diegetic spooky, dramatic music suggests deceit, treachery and imminent danger.
Cut to the the first main character picking up a mobile phone; the message is he has a meeting with the adversary in one hour. He is represented as calm, in control, alert and capable. The audience connotates that all is going to be well for our hero.
Cut to exterior shot of a fast, expensive, latest model BMW car connotating power, and a modern hi tech set up. Inside the car, in a tight two-shot, an American character pulls a gun and makes demands. He is in the dominant position, screen right in full face big close up.
Cut to a low angle shot from below a large board-room table. Three men in shirt sleeves and a woman clearly in distress sit around the table– a high tech screen behind them indicates a type of control room.
The camera zooms in to a mid close up of the older boss, who indicates that his adversary’s agents will be killed. Our sympathies lie with the main character, the younger white man, but he is shown in shadows, suggesting a trap, worry and lack of control – in contrast to how we saw him at the beginning. This is the Todorovian conceit essential to TV drama – the disequilibrium.
Cut to the woman in a darkly lit shot revealing details of the shocking tortures used.
Cut back to the empty office and a larger meeting with the bosses, all the characters we have seen are there – negotiation is taking place. The woman offers to give up names – this could be connotated as representing a stereotypical female response of sacrifice. She says ‘you have to help me’ – she is represented as being in severe distress, and revealed as an MI5 officer, who must now be sacrificed. She is handed over as a prisoner.
Time cut to heavily armed men breaking into a house.
Cut to the younger man and the woman inside in distress as hostages.
A two-shot reveals his emotional support and reassurance for her – cliffhanger will they be saved?
A/S Media Studies - Unit G322 Exam TV Drama

After half-term, we will commence work on preparing for the G322 examination which has two distinct parts:
• Camera Angle, Shot, Movement and Composition
• Mise-en-Scène
• Editing
• Sound
Candidates should be prepared to discuss, in response to the question, how these technical
elements create specific representations of individuals, groups, events or places and help to
articulate specific messages and values that have social significance. Particular areas of
representation that may be chosen are:
1. Section A: Textual Analysis and Representation: TV Drama
2. Section B: Institutions and Audiences - A Specific case study into a specific studio or production company within a contemporary film industry that targets a British audience (eg Hollywood, Bollywood, UK film), including its patterns of production, distribution, exhibition and consumption by audiences. This should be accompanied by study of contemporary film distribution practices (digital cinemas, DVD, HD-DVD, downloads, etc) and their
impact upon production, marketing and consumption.
Section A: Textual Analysis and Representation
An ‘unseen’ moving image extract with one compulsory question dealing with textual analysis of various technical aspects of the languages and conventions of moving image media. Candidates will be asked to link this analysis with a discussion of some aspect of representation within the sequence.
Section A: Textual Analysis and Representation
An ‘unseen’ moving image extract with one compulsory question dealing with textual analysis of various technical aspects of the languages and conventions of moving image media. Candidates will be asked to link this analysis with a discussion of some aspect of representation within the sequence.
The moving image extract will be provided by OCR in DVD format, with full instructions for the administration of the examination, viewing conditions and note-making time. Centres must prepare candidates in advance of the examination, using a range of examples from texts from TV Drama to demonstrate textual analysis of all of the following technical areas of moving image language and conventions in relation to the unseen extract:
• Camera Angle, Shot, Movement and Composition
• Mise-en-Scène
• Editing
• Sound
The focus of study for Section A is the use of technical aspects of the moving image medium to create meaning for an audience, focussing on the creation of representations of specific social types, groups, events or places within the extract of a TV Drama. It is not necessary to study the history of the genre specified. The sequence will be taken from a contemporary British one-off or series or serial drama programme.
Candidates should be prepared to discuss, in response to the question, how these technical
elements create specific representations of individuals, groups, events or places and help to
articulate specific messages and values that have social significance. Particular areas of
representation that may be chosen are:
• Gender
• Age
• Ethnicity
• Sexuality
• Class and status
• Physical ability/disability
• Regional identity
• Age
• Ethnicity
• Sexuality
• Class and status
• Physical ability/disability
• Regional identity
Have a look at this example exam paper to see what you will be preparing for and the style of question you will be asked:
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Year 13 Film Studies - FS4 Small Scale Research Evaluations
I have really enjoyed all of the FS4 Small Scale presentations and it was good to talk to everyone in my Thursday lesson last week about how you can improve your current grade. I hope you found the notes and feedback useful, and I am looking forward to seeing the final drafts in a few weeks. In addition to going through a re-draft process, you also need to conclude the project with a 500 word evaluation. This is a simple piece of writing and it is easy to maximise your marks if you follow the advice from the exam board below and don't waffle!
An evaluation of the research project (approx 500 words)
The evaluation may include:
• brief consideration of the relative success of the research project
• brief discussion of the research methodology (i.e., approaches to research) used,
highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of different forms and sources of
research (comments on using, for example, the internet, DVD additional
material, magazines and books)
• identification of research and problem-solving skills developed over the course
of the research project (problems faced during research with an indication of how
these were or could be overcome)
• brief discussion of how you selected appropriate material for the
presentation script
• brief reflections on the findings from the research.
Your final draft 'Presentation Script'; updated 'Annotated Catalogue'; Evaluation and folder brimming with all your research sources labelled and numbered to match the annotated catalogue, will now be due for final submission on:
MONDAY 15TH MARCH 2009 by 3.00pm
Some of you have got quite a bit of refining and additional research to undertake in order to secure a higher grade. Please use the next few weeks to systematically plan ahead for this and do little and often. You are nearly there and it would be amazing if all of you could go through with an A-C grade! I will post stuff on the blog if I find anything that I think will help you and you are always welcome to my Tuesday P5 clinic.
Thank you all so much for your hard work so far - one final push and it'll be over! (sorry if this sounds like giving birth. I hope it's not as painful!)
An evaluation of the research project (approx 500 words)
The evaluation may include:
• brief consideration of the relative success of the research project
• brief discussion of the research methodology (i.e., approaches to research) used,
highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of different forms and sources of
research (comments on using, for example, the internet, DVD additional
material, magazines and books)
• identification of research and problem-solving skills developed over the course
of the research project (problems faced during research with an indication of how
these were or could be overcome)
• brief discussion of how you selected appropriate material for the
presentation script
• brief reflections on the findings from the research.
Your final draft 'Presentation Script'; updated 'Annotated Catalogue'; Evaluation and folder brimming with all your research sources labelled and numbered to match the annotated catalogue, will now be due for final submission on:
MONDAY 15TH MARCH 2009 by 3.00pm
Some of you have got quite a bit of refining and additional research to undertake in order to secure a higher grade. Please use the next few weeks to systematically plan ahead for this and do little and often. You are nearly there and it would be amazing if all of you could go through with an A-C grade! I will post stuff on the blog if I find anything that I think will help you and you are always welcome to my Tuesday P5 clinic.
Thank you all so much for your hard work so far - one final push and it'll be over! (sorry if this sounds like giving birth. I hope it's not as painful!)
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Action for Children TV Ads
I was just watching TV and saw this interesting advert for Action for Children. I know this has nothing to do with topics being explored at the moment but for anyone else out there who might be interested in charity and social issue advertising,watch, critique and enjoy! The messages and values embodied are interesting and worthy of questioning? In terms of style and construction the animation is lovely and I particularly like the 2nd. What do you think?
Friday, 6 February 2009
A gift for Joe Murphy - Some sources to help you with your FS4 Batman study!

"Batman is a superhero without superpowers. He is one of us. Human. Flawed. But as the movie suggests his enduring appeal is that of a noble idea: that one man can make a difference and be a force for good in the world."
"What separates Batman from other superheroes -- and what the movie conveys -- is that his mystique taps into our fears and sense of helplessness. And while he is after all just a comic-book character, the film's archetypal image of Batman standing solitary vigil on a rooftop turret speaks to our deep desire for protection against life's uncertainties."
"For me, Batman has an enduring appeal and endless fascination because he is a relatable character. He is referred to as a superhero, but actually he is a self-invented superhero. And I think the fantasy of a man who, through sheer will and self-discipline, has turned himself into more than just a man, into a heroic figure…that's just a very compelling myth."
Christopher Nolan in interview on: http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=777
"All I can think is that this relentlessly dark and nihilistic film is tapping into the American Zeitgeist, confirming our society’s misery in the face of an endless war in Iraq, housing prices up, gas prices up, food prices up, economy stalled, health care a mess, having to face the reality that our government condones torture, etc. etc.) Americans feel like victims of forces far beyond their control, as do the citizens of Gotham at the hands of the Joker."
Here are some super links rich with information and quotes that will help you better understand the enduring appeal of Batman:
A great little site from a true fan perspective:
http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/news/2008-04-24-summer-movie-memories_N.htmThese sites explore the social and political significance of Dark Night likening it to 9/11 and suggesting that it closely mirrors contemporary social concerns, fears and collective experiences linked to terrorism, paranoia, war and the rise of transnational corporations:
Year 13 Media - Music Promo Crit Session
Due to the 'adverse weather' this week we have not been able to have our screening and crit session for your WONDERFUL music videos. Obviously we haven't slept all week with the anticipation and I'm sure you haven't either so NEVER FEAR, we are re-scheduling for next WEDNESDAY 11TH FEBRUARY PERIODS 3-4. Everyone who doesn't have another lesson, or who has a media lesson, will be expected to attend (I've checked your timetables so I know who to expect, HA!)
Let's all pray for good weather next Wednesday and we look forward to seeing you all then.
Leanne etc. x
Let's all pray for good weather next Wednesday and we look forward to seeing you all then.
Leanne etc. x
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Year 12 Media Studies : Title Sequence Deadlines and stuff

With only two weeks until this milestone deadline it is important that you utilise your time effectively over the next two weeks both in and outside of lessons, and plan editing time to ensure that you are able to bring your creative visions to life. You will be expected to submit the following by 3.00pm at the latest on Friday 13th February 2009:
1. A completed 'Continuity sequence' preliminary task
2. A completed titles and opening sequence to a new fiction film (no longer than two minutes)
• a presentation using slideshow software such as Powerpoint;
• a blog or website;
• a podcast;
• a DVD with ‘extras’.
In the evaluation the following questions must be answered:
• In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
• How does your media product represent particular social groups?
• What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
• Who would be the audience for your media product?
• How did you attract/address your audience?
• What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
• Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Where candidates have worked in a group, the evidence for assessment may be presented collectively but centres will still assess candidates on an individual basis for their contribution to aspects of the work, from planning, research and production to evaluation.The unit is marked out of a total of 100 marks: 20 marks for the presentation of the planning and research; 60 marks for the construction; 20 marks for the evaluation.
With only two weeks until this milestone deadline it is important that you utilise your time effectively over the next two weeks both in and outside of lessons, and plan editing time to ensure that you are able to bring your creative visions to life. You will be expected to submit the following by 3.00pm at the latest on Friday 13th February 2009:
1. A completed 'Continuity sequence' preliminary task
2. A completed titles and opening sequence to a new fiction film (no longer than two minutes)
3. A thorough BLOG evidencing all of your research and planning which highlights the detailed development of your film. This MUST INCLUDE:
a. Critical analysis of the work of Saul Bass
b. Evidence of research into similar media texts and analysis of their forms and conventions
c. A logline for your film idea/concept and or a mind-map exploring narrative/character development
d. Draft storyboards and plans
e. A comprehensive set of posts outlining the processes in the development of your film and the decisions and revisions made
a. Location shots
b. Casting Shots
c. An animatic
d. Second/third draft storyboards
e. music choices discussion and analysis
f. the first cut with analysis
g. Detailed critique of the developmental process with reflective commentary on the decisions and revisions made.
h. Exploration of why opening title sequences are so important to the film industry?
i. Photographs of the shoot - you in action!
j. Shooting schedule
k. Mini-evaluative postings showing reflective thought processes throughout the project
a. Thorough audience research exploring the relationship between opening title sequences and spectator responses to film.
b. A detailed audience profile drawing upon sociographic and psychographic profiling techniques.
c. Audience responses to your finished film.
d. Evidence into 'Film Production' processes undertaking a case-study into a specific studio or film and tracking its production, distribution and marketing strategies.
Just to remind you.....here is the film brief as set out in the OCR Media A/S specification:
Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door,
crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then
exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action,
shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.
All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source.
The presentation of the research, planning and evaluation may take the form of any one, or combination of two or more, of the following:
Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door,
crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then
exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action,
shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.
All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source.
The presentation of the research, planning and evaluation may take the form of any one, or combination of two or more, of the following:
• a presentation using slideshow software such as Powerpoint;
• a blog or website;
• a podcast;
• a DVD with ‘extras’.
In the evaluation the following questions must be answered:
• In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
• How does your media product represent particular social groups?
• What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
• Who would be the audience for your media product?
• How did you attract/address your audience?
• What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
• Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Where candidates have worked in a group, the evidence for assessment may be presented collectively but centres will still assess candidates on an individual basis for their contribution to aspects of the work, from planning, research and production to evaluation.The unit is marked out of a total of 100 marks: 20 marks for the presentation of the planning and research; 60 marks for the construction; 20 marks for the evaluation.
Good Luck x
Year 13 Media - Music Promo Evaluation Deadlines

Team Media would like to thank all of you who worked so hard to get your music videos completed on Friday. We are really excited about the screening/marking sessions on Monday and Tuesday this week and looking forward to seeing the finished goods. Gerry is going to be busy burning DVD's tomorrow morning and Leanne and I will see you P5.
Now that the promos are finished, it's time to move onto those 3,000 word evaluations. This year, we are going to be firm in our expectation that everyone completes each section of the evaluation in accordance with the deadlines set out below. Failure to do so will result in a 10% overall mark deduction for every day that each section is submitted late. The evaluation is marked /30. The only excuse is sickness supported with a doctor's note or death from 'Bird Flu'.
Section 1: Due to Leanne on Monday 9th Feb by 3.00pm
Section 2: Due to Leanne on Monday 23rd Feb by 3.00pm
Section 3: Due to Leanne on Monday 2nd March by 3.00pm
FRIDAY 13TH MARCH 2009 by 3.00pm
Year 12 Film Studies - FM2 American Dream Homework for Nina and Leanne

Homework:Your blogs should already be brimming with your case study on the marketing of a blockbuster and your thoughts on whether or not Hollywood films are purely a commercial enterprise. Add an entry on the American Dream - what you think it means, how you feel about it personally and MOST IMPORTANTLY include some analysis of its representation in Hollywood films. Include at least one film example not discussed in today's lesson.