Saturday, 8 November 2008

Keeping a 'Gender Journal' for Film Studies

Keeping a 'Gender Film Journal' as we move through the study of Gendered Cinema for FS6 is a great way to both document and explore the complexities of this topic. Why not use  some of these superb link sites to widen your knowledge and understanding of the debates then write-up your responses on your blog or in your journal. 

Feminist Film Studies
This is a great site which highlights the continued patriarchy that 'Hollywood' presents in terms of providing opportunities for women to get to the top of their vocation in film:

This next site set up by the BFI looks at 'Women in Film' from a British perspective and offers insight into less well known Women directors like Sally Potter and Lynne Ramsay

Here is a fantastic link to Warwick University's blog to support any students Media or Film studying Women and Film. Have a look for's loaded with really interesting and useful contextual stuff about patriarchy and issues affecting women in society today. Fab for Film and Critical Research Study in Media.

Masculinity In Crisis 
A look at this topic in relation to David Fincher's awesome 'Fight Club'.


  1. Here is another really good document for you to read about Gendered Cinema. Lots of good stuff on new female action heroines Representations and film

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WHERE ARE YOUR GENDER JOURNALS? THEY WERE DUE IN ON THURSDAY. Ed, Jason and Rhys got their journals in. You can go up on the 'Love-O-Meter'and be proud that you have met a deadline! Can the rest of you get them in next lesson? No excuses - journal or be Ralphed!
