Thursday, 15 January 2009

NEW Goodies for You - English and Media Magazine Log-in Details

Here is a real treat for all Media and Film students. The access information for the online English and Media Centre Media Magazine. This is an amazing resource designed specifically for A'level students of Media and Film written by teachers, examiners and Media and Film students. The magazine can be accessed in the LRC and this username and password enables you to access the online bank of past articles; podcasts and exemplar resources. This is a real gem of a resource so please start to make use of it. Here are two PDF copies of the magazine - a special fandom issue and a Film Industry special. 
Fandom special 

Film Industry Special - December 08

You can access the magazine and all archive resources, podcasts etc. on the following site:

Username = mediamagazine6
Password = w86ee9

For anyone short of secondary sources for critical Research or if you need help with wider reading for essays in Film or Media, this resource will really help. Enjoy x

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