Sunday, 29 March 2009

FS6 Gendered Film Studies - Easter Holiday Essay

The following questions are examples of 'debate' questions posed to students in past papers in the FS6 exam Film Studies exam (2 Hours to answer 3 questions: Shocking cinema; Censorship and Regulation & Gendered Film). Choose 1 of the following essay questions and using the three key films studied (Tomb Raider, Thelma and Louise & The Piano) and any other examples, answer one of these over the Easter holiday: 

  • Explore the benefits of applying a gendered critical approach to studying film with reference to specific case studies.
  • Is it too simple to say that some films target male audiences and other target female audiences?
  • How does a focus on gender contribute to the understanding of meaning and value in films?
  • What is the ‘male’ camera debate? Does film language create a gendered ‘look’?
  • What is to be gained by considering the position of a male or female spectator?
  • Does mainstream film represent male and female characters differently? Might this determine whether the spectator can identify with or objectify the character?
  • How might gender affect the construction of male and female stereotypes and/or stars?

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