Saturday, 23 May 2009

Half-Term 'Essay' titles for Nina's A' level Film Students

Thank you to all of you for your hard work this half-term. The end is near and I hope you will spend this half-term holiday dedicating time to meaningful revision and exam preparation. Writing essays under timed conditions is the key to success, so here are some essay questions for you to choose from past papers: 

City of God Essay Questions

How important is it to consider genre influences in reaching an understanding of City of God? Refer to specific sequences in your answer. 

World Cinema films are often described as ‘alternative’, using distinctive cinematic techniques. How far is your close study film ‘alternative’? 

How has wider research led you to a greater understanding of the time and place in which your Close Study film was set? 

What aspects of mise-en-scène do you feel most effectively create meaning in your Close Study film? Refer to specific sequences in your answer. 

How has research into the social and/or cultural context of your Close Study film influenced your understanding of it? 

How important is the narrative structure of City of God in developing characters in the film? 

To what extent do you think your chosen film challenges audiences’ preconceptions about particular social groups?

What do you consider to be the most distinctive visual features of your chosen film?

To what extent do you think an understanding of the director’s other work would allow the viewer a greater understanding of your chosen film?

Have the critical reviews you have read about your chosen film confirmed or challenged your own reading of the film?

Do you think it is necessary to locate your chosen film within its social and political context in order to appreciate it fully?

Gendered Film Studies Essays

How important is gender in the critical analysis of films? Refer in detail to your own studies. 

Is it too simple to say that some films target male audiences and others target female audiences? 

Explore the benefits of applying a gendered critical approach to studying film with reference to specific case studies. 

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