Good evening bloggers. I hope you have all enjoyed this chilly weekend and have been working hard on your FS4 and critical Research tasks I set you last week. The focus for both these projects this week is the development of Mind-maps to:
1. Plan Q.2 and summarise all research findings in readiness for the Critical Research Study draft essay
2. Summarise primary and secondary findings in readiness for developing the FS4 Presentation Scripts.
By the end of this week, I am expecting ALL my Year 13 students in Film and Media to have completed an A3 Mind-map which summarises and condenses your research in readiness for the next developmental stage in your projects.
I love mind-mapping and use it all the time to document, develop and condense ideas. I hope you will find the process creative and useful in helping you to consolidate the research processes you have gone through so far. Here is a link to an excellent mindmapping site that will help you with this process of condensing the 'key elements and debates' your research has presented. There is a good little Youtube video on there with 'Tony Buzan' the guru of this learning approach.
I will give you lots of examples of mind-maps I have created for Media and Film Studies but essentially you can create your own style and use this tool to support your learning and progress in whatever way suits. Enjoy!
See you all on Monday!
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