Evening all. It was great to see so many of you at Alan's NMT session tonight after school.
Action Adventure Film - Textual Analysis Revision Session
I am meant to be running a session on Action Adventure during Friday lunchtime. I have stupidly double-booked this hour and am going to need to reschedule the session to Monday lunchtime. I have a handout all ready to support you with revision so feel free to pop in on Friday and collect one of these to read over the weekend.
FS4 Film Studies Small Scale Presentations - Change of date
You will also be delighted to hear that the FS4 Small Scale presentations will have to be postponed until Thursday 22nd January.
Media and film Re-sit Dates
I recieved a copy of the Re-sit exam timetable today and all the Media and Film re-sits take place on Thursday 15th January as follows:
AM Film Studies FS2 1hr30
AM Film Studies FS3 1hr 30
PM Media Studies 2731 2hrs (Textual Anal - Sitcom/Action Ad)
PM Media Studies 2732 1hr (NMT)
Critical Research Study Exam Date
The Year 13 Media Studies Critical Research Study exam will take place on the same day as the Parent Consultation Day - Wednesday 21st January in the afternoon. Despite that school (in terms of normal lessons) is closed for this event, exams will run as normal.
Media Studies - Music video Deadline
The Year 13 Media music video promos need to be shot and edited by the end of January. Failure to do this will result in your grade being adjusted to reflect non-compliance with deadlines. Can ALL research and planning books be submitted next FRIDAY 16th January for an initial grading.
NEW - Media and Film Studies Support Clinic
I am going to run a drop-in support clinic every Tuesday Period 5 for all Media and Film students wanting help with essays, revision, study skills etc. If you need help with structuring an essay; want to find out more about Media/Film theories; need 1-1 help with writing your music promo evaluation; want to find out how you can maximise your grade; need help putting together a portfolio for uni, or just fancy a cuppa and a chat, my door will be open to you all every Tuesday P5. You can just turn up or book a time with me.
Please spread the word!
See you all tomorrow.
Oh...and Happy New Year. It's been lovely to see you all again this week, and Good Luck with your re-sits and critical Research exam. May the force be with you!
Nina, I am back in blog form.
It's been long over due, I can't deny that. So as an apolegetic present, my Annotated Catalogue is up on display.
Quite alot of items actually, and the 'Rejected' haven't been listed yet, as I'm sure you could help me make any tweaks if neccessary?
I haven't put my script on there yet as I'm just playing with, in the exploration stage.
I'll see you tomorrow of course, and hopefully have a quick look at my FS4 as a whole, just for reassurance's sake, hah.
And not to forget the beginning of a new topic- gender.
And on behalf of everyone, thank you ever-so much for all the info on this post, especially the re-take dates.
Oh 22nd, thats brillliant! Why have the presentations moved on?
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