G322 A/S Media Exam
Section B: Institutions and Audiences
We have just about come to the end of our study of TV Drama, and after our Easter break, we will embark on preparation for the final section of the Media exam based on 'Institutions and Audiences'. Like TV Drama, this is a 45 minute essay done under exam conditions. However on this occasion you will write about a specific case-study explored in class and through 'independent study'. It has been decided that we will offer two case-studies so that you have a choice:
1. Study of a record label - Alan and Leanne
2. Study of a Film Production Company - Nina
Here is the outline of the unit from the specification:
Section B: Institutions and Audiences
We have just about come to the end of our study of TV Drama, and after our Easter break, we will embark on preparation for the final section of the Media exam based on 'Institutions and Audiences'. Like TV Drama, this is a 45 minute essay done under exam conditions. However on this occasion you will write about a specific case-study explored in class and through 'independent study'. It has been decided that we will offer two case-studies so that you have a choice:
1. Study of a record label - Alan and Leanne
2. Study of a Film Production Company - Nina
Here is the outline of the unit from the specification:
"One compulsory question to be answered by candidates based upon a case study of a specific media industry, from a choice of six topic areas offered by OCR. Centres should choose one of the following topic areas, in advance of the examination. Through specific case studies of the centre’s choice, candidates should be prepared to demonstrate understanding of contemporary institutional processes of production, distribution, marketing and exchange/exhibition at a local, national or international level as well as British audiences’ reception and consumption. There should also be some emphasis on the students’ own experiences of being audiences of a particular medium. Centres may choose to focus on one of the following media:
• Film
• Music
• Newspapers
• Radio
• Magazines
• Video games "
• Film
• Music
• Newspapers
• Radio
• Magazines
• Video games "
I have decided to undertake a case-study with you looking closely at British film production company 'Working Title Films' exploring the company's latest release 'The Boat that Rocked'. As always, I will post lots of goodies to support you with this case-study. If you can, go and see the movie over Easter.
History of Working Title Films as a Production Company
http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/michaelwalford/entry/working_title_history/BFI Screenonline Historical Perspective
Institutional Information on the film and company
Film Education Learning Resources on the film 'The Boat That Rocked'
Film Reviews
Watch the 2 trailers for 'The Boat That Rocked' below. One is for US release and the other for British release. Can you tell which one is for which audience? What are the differences? What does this tell us about audiences and institutions?
The Exam Question: What to expect?
The question will be a general one that you could use either of the two possible case studies to answer. Here is an example extracted from the January examination:
Section B: Institutions and Audiences
Answer the question below, making detailed reference to examples from your case study
material to support points made in your answer.
Discuss the issues raised by an institution’s need to target specific audiences within a media industry which you have studied.
Useful British Cinema/Film Industry Sites:
Facts and Figures on changing cinema admissions and UK film distribution:
http://www.launchingfilms.com/databank/factsandfigures.php?name=UK+cinema+admissions+1935+to+dateUK Film Council Homepage:
Have a look at this great study 'concept map' to help you with this case-study:
Came back from watching "The Boat That Rocked" the other day and found it absolutley amazing! Off topic from the questions you've asked but it's brill. Makes me feel like i missed out on the 60's, i feel cheated! If you have'nt seen it yet you must! Amazing cast and music! Gaaah it was so good!
But going back to the questions on the trailers, the american trailer was just so obvious, they might of well just showed you the film! You practically see the ending in the trailer, american voice over, it seemed that they had to mention every other film the directors made to try and sell it to the audience.
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